

Qingyifang Tea City | Amazing Time-Old White Tea

2018-12-27 09:25

Life can go forward or back, fast or slow. Many people walk quickly without asking.
And love tea people, but they all have an indifferent and elegant heart of "picking chrysanthemum under the hedge, seeing Nanshan leisurely".
Let time slow down, cook tea mulberry and taste old white tea. Alone or together, may you and I have a poetic life.

 White tea, one of the six major types of tea, is famous for its purity without frying and kneading.

Is known as "one-year tea, three-year medicine, seven-year treasure". Generally, five to six years of white tea can be regarded as old white tea.
The longer the storage time of white tea, the higher its health and medicinal value.
The new white tea, which tastes sweet and refreshing, should be described as a beautiful beauty embryo; the white tea that has gradually grown up, although it has experienced half a year in spring and autumn, it is still a state of hibiscus water;
The aged white tea is just natural breathing through the years, sunlight and air are intertwined, and finally a white tea with natural flavor is achieved. After years of age, Chen Fang has a proud fragrance, with an original taste that has never been touched by the world.
Therefore, we are more willing to affectionately call the aged white tea "old white tea". Taste old white tea is also a taste of years.

Laobai tea is famous all over the world. The longer the age, the longer the age of Chen Fang, the tea becomes more and more fragrant. The better the taste, the way Laobai tea has been drunk since ancient times.
About tea
Take out: Take out a good old white tea on a cake, the bottom rhyme of old age is exactly the first sweet taste of old white tea.
Set: Use a bamboo tea needle to pry open along the tea cake pattern, take 5 grams of dry tea in the bowl, cover the bottom of the bowl, and wait for the soup to open.
Awakening: Sprinkle on dry tea with boiling water very quickly, for the purpose of moisturizing the tea leaves, the water can cover the tea leaves.
Chong: Filter out the first water of the tea, pour the tea leaves with boiling water, and the first bubble of the soup will be released in 20 seconds.
Smell: tea is overflowing, flowers and fruits are strong, and the old charm is around the tip of the nose; the tea soup is orange and transparent;
Pin: Put it to your lips and taste it, the tea soup is amber. The entrance is gentle, the aroma is pure, and the medicine is strong. Sweet and soft, the fragrance fragrant ...

With the increase of storage time of white tea, the soup color will gradually deepen, from light yellow to dark red. The good old white tea soup color is like amber, bright and oily. Laobai tea can not only be brewed and drunk, but also boiled and drunk.
The former is steamed briefly, while the latter is cooked in a fierce manner because the ingredients are very tender and the taste is very different. It is also the same for boiling tea. The taste of the tea soup will be thicker when cooking old tea.
Old white tea, clearing heat and reducing fire from folk.
I heard that in Fuding, like children with fever or swollen gums in adults, people will brew a pot of old white tea to ease the pain.
The climate in the south is very humid. If eczema occurs in summer, white tea is usually used for half-drinking and half-coating. It is said that the effect is immediate.

Sit around lazily with your friends, or talk freely. You can turn on the amplifier or plug in the headphones and listen to a piece of music, letting the restlessness of life go with the wind. The unique charm of aged old white tea in terms of aroma and taste
To put it simply, it's the amazing time.




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